Robyn Koumourou on Australian national television, 9 AM Morning Show, Wed 8th Nov 2006. An informative interview relating to thyroid conditions
Thyroid Gland Disorders
Signs and symptoms of thyroid disease can mimic so many other conditions, and therefore may be easily overlooked or misdiagnosed.

Running on Empty

Running on Empty
Dedicated to the people who suffer with thyroid conditions. May this book make some sense out of the madness that thyroid dysfunction can bring, and help you to take control of your condition and regain your life.
“An excellent overview of thyroid conditions and their management. Highly recommended.”
- Alun Stevens, MSc FIAA, President, Thyroid Australia Ltd
“This is highly recommended reading for anyone who has an underactive thyroid condition, thinks they might have or is currently being investigated for thyroid disease. Robyn Koumourou takes us out of complete ignorance and raises our knowledge of this tiny gland with its huge ramifications on the human body. She describes in easy to understand language the anatomy and function of this hormone producing gland, how disease of the thyroid gland manifests with the myriad of symptoms, how disease is diagnosed and last but not least, treated optimally, so that there is finally light at the end of the tunnel for those affected by hypothyroidism as well as their loved ones. Robyn Koumourou has made an extremely valuable contribution by explaining the thyroid gland and hypothyroidism in easy to understand, matter-of- fact language.”
- Dr. Robert Hanner, MB. B.S., B.Med.Sc, B.Sc (Hons)