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Stories Change Lives

Angel Statue

My Guardian Angel - Thanks a Million! 

I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in January 2000, after 10 years with all the symptoms and problems it causes... Many thanks for your wonderful advice many months ago. I have taken a while but my health has finally improved. You were my guardian angel at that time...

Girl with Arms Stretched Out

T3 Let Me Live Again

I am a 41 year old female who was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis nine years ago. For eight of those nine years I had a pretty pathetic life. I had a huge goitre, overwhelming fatigue, muscle pain and weakness, depression, brain fog, slurred speech, migraines, blurred vision, a puffy face and body...

Serious Woman

I Am Grateful

The following is my personal experience of Thyroid Cancer. I did not have a family history of thyroid cancer nor did I give such a disease any thought.  My reason for going to the doctor in the first place was a persistent cough and a feeling of pressure in the throat...

Woman Looking at View

T3 for Me was the Key

I was diagnosed as a Manic-Depressive. I was prescribed lithium. It helped in reducing my emotional highs a little, but I still often felt suicidal... My new GP immediately suspected an overactive thyroid - which proved to be right - and I was diagnosed with Graves' Disease. I was treated for about 12 months for this with antithyroid medication...


Partial Thyroidectomy and becoming Hypothyroid

Just prior to the birth of my daughter, my thyroid gland became swollen on one side only. After her birth a fine needle biopsy was performed, which led to a Right Hemi Thyroidectomy.  Pathology report – no thyroid cancer, and only T4 tested in hospital,  result 17.8, range (10 - 25)...


The Little Gland with a Big Job

I have found too many doctors simply see thyroid disorders as simply non-life threatening. Not meaningfully seeing the devastating effect the “little gland” has on people’s longevity and quality of life. I am diagnosed as Hypothyroid with other health issues... CFS/ FMS - Glandular Fever - Viral Meningitis - Kidney Disease – Migraines - Hashimoto’s - Heart Disease.



Listen to Your Body

was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis some years ago. My medical ignorance being what it is, my first question was: What's a thyroid? I was told that it was nothing to worry about, there is a simple treatment and, provided I took a tablet every day, I would hardly notice it... Not so.


Robyn Koumourou

© Robyn Koumourou 2018 

Thyroid Disorders | Thyroid Matters

Disclaimer: All material provided on this Website is for information purposes only and does not constitute medical advice

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