Thyroid History June 1988 - 2002.
Just prior to the birth of my daughter, my thyroid gland became swollen on one side only. After her birth a fine needle biopsy was performed, which led to a Right Hemi Thyroidectomy. Pathology report – no thyroid cancer, and only T4 tested in hospital, result 17.8, range (10 - 25).
After surgery – weight increased soon after, and continued to increase steadily over the years. Even though I was unable to lose weight, I still felt ok until 1996.
In November1989 I had a miscarriage – 2nd pregnancy, and following this I was unable to conceive. I was eventually diagnosed with Infertility/Premature Ovarian failure. Experienced early menopause, with no treatment/alternatives offered.
BLOOD TESTS between 1996 - January 2002:
1997 – TSH tested – result 1.91 (0.40-4.70)
1998 – TSH tested – result 1.91 (0.40 – 4.70), and ft4 result 15.1 (10-25)
1999 - TSH tested – result 1.68 (0.40-4.70)
Had gained over 50 kg since surgery.
Eyebrows became sparse, no longer needed to pluck them.
Puffy and ‘ruddy’ face.
Steel wool hair – always lots of hair on pillow in morning, but hair still very thick.
Always feeling tired even first thing in the morning – hard to get motivated, as everything was “an effort”, even going out.
Cold inside my body – difficulty trying to get warm and had to warm up slowly otherwise felt strange. This included heart palpitations. Would take hours to feel okay again if very cold inside.
Body temperature lower than normal – 35.2 to 36.2. At lowest temperature - poorly co-ordinated, blurred vision and felt like it was difficult to speak clearly. Needed heater on in bedroom overnight except in summer. But never had “goose-bumps” or shivered.
No longer felt the heat badly in summer – noticed that I did not perspire on hot days
Not much appetite – never really felt hungry.
Unable to lose weight – tried everything. Followed a very strict diet, wrote everything down and counted calories/fats, and walked a lot – did not lose one bit of weight.
Felt fullness in neck, especially the side where part of thyroid had been removed. Found it difficult to swallow.
Very sore bones and stiff joints. Gentle touch anywhere was painful.
Painful to walk and to sit down, then standing again. Lying in bed was uncomfortable.
Skin on legs/feet looked tanned – not from sunburn, in areas that did not get any exposure.
January 2002, began thyroid hormone therapy.
January – noticed eyebrows had thickened and I now need to pluck them again.
January – periods of feeling warm started – mostly evenings.
Feb – started to feel really good again even though I had heavy abnormal bleeding. Blood test revealed estrogen was too high.
Early March – felt I had lost a little weight but not sure. Started to record weight – no change in diet – 90% of the time followed a low fat diet anyway.
Increase in appetite – always hungry (unusual)
Feeling of fullness in neck gone – easy to swallow again.
April – no more soreness (flesh) when touched. No more aching bones.
Hair became soft and less hair loss.
Felt 20 years younger – full of energy and nothing was an effort.
Clear head – very different to before.
Puffy/ruddy face disappeared.
Body felt warm – inside and out – temperature consistently up – 36.6-37.2 range.
“Goosebumps”/shivering – doing this again when outside in cold air.
Early March to May – slow and steady weight loss without diet changes – total 14 kgs.
Blood Test on 2nd May
TSH – 1.08 (0.50-4.00)
T4 – 21.8 (10.0-19.0)
T3 – 5.5 (3.5-6.5)
Feeling great!
- Faye